Aug 16, 2016

BLCD of the Day - Abazure

Original Work
Abazure by Nakahara Kazuya and Waganeya Takumi

Release date
Sep 25, 2010

Ookawa Tooru x Suzuki Tatsuhisa

What's in the download file?

1 hour and 15 minutes

File Size
176 MB

Souryuu Riku, the oldest son of a poor family with many children, decides to use his often beaten-up appearance to get his next target, a rich-looking lawyer, Kouzuki Kaname, to cough up some cash to help raise his younger siblings. The plan, as usual, was to use his body just as bait, but somehow things didn't go as smoothly as he'd expected. Though Kouzuki maintains the appearance of the perfect gentleman on the outside, on the inside, he is sly and cunning and will do whatever it takes to make Riku his own! Riku's heart and body have already become accustomed to drowning in the pleasure he gets from this wolf in sheep's clothing.....but will he ever admit to the truth?

Key: !bFz8Ud8Rf1TPxZ_dosrhTKH2zw72DdgEmtg9O2p0q4I

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